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The Camino de Santiago


In 2012, I had the opportunity to accompany our Senior Ministry on a pilgrimage to Washington DC. It was a fantastic few days exploring Cathedrals and sacred sites with my Pastor and a great group of seniors from the parish. On the bus ride home, they played the movie "The Way" starring Martin Sheen. It is the story of a man that walks the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage across France and Spain. The story spoke to me, and stayed with me for weeks after I returned home. I found myself talking about it with my wife and sons.

The Camino had begun its gravitational pull on my heart. At the time, my sons were in 9th and 7th grade. I had the idea that "it would be great to walk the Camino together when Michael (my oldest) graduated high school." Fast forward to the fall of 2017, and there became an awareness that if we were going to do this, the time was upon us. We began walking, training, educating ourselves and getting ready for a Spring camino.

The journey we took had the most profound impact on my life. It changed everything. Here in this blog, I will try to recapture the adventure of our Camino. Along the way, we found ourselves, we found healing, we found love...we found God the Father in a very special way. Everything in my life is now viewed through the lens of this mystical path.

We refer to ourselves as the PTCPilgrims. You can search for that name on Instagram and see additional pictures. A friend recently told me that when one of us goes on pilgrimage, we are all there together. You were certainly with us on this Camino. We carried your prayer intentions, and you carried us in yours.

This is my story. This is our story. I am so glad you're here.



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